All photos taken with Nikon D800 on tripod with post-processing.
I took a trip to camp overnight at Cherry Springs State Park in PA, which is astronomer tiered state park with campsite and dark sky, perfect for observing our galaxy Milky Way. To capture the beauty of it, I’ve tented for Saturday night with coworker and prepared freshly acquired used Nikkor 14-24/2.8G wideangle lens and my trusty D800 with tripod.
Skies were cloudly but got lucky and by night everything cleared out well enough.
Road was fun too with lot of hills and forests around, as park located in the middle of the woods.
Also experimented with freeze-light , just using a flashlight and cellphone :)
Quick attempt of full MW disk with panorama from 5 exposures at high ISO, around 2 am.
And now the best shot, same angle and perspective but with 100 exposures ISO1600 f/2.8 (20 exposures per section) stitched with darkfield and noise-supression:
Full photo resolution is 9872 × 3332 pixel, so be sure to click on preview to see full size.
Modified: Jan. 28, 2023, 4 a.m.